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A Mustard Seed Faith

A Journey through Infertility, Miscarriages, Adoption, & Faith


Bethanee Syversen’s deeply personal debut, Mustard Seed Faith: A Journey through Infertility, Miscarriages, Adoption, and Faith, is a story of believing in a God who is powerful enough—and generous enough—to do the impossible.


Bethanee always wanted to be a parent. When the doctors gave their prognosis, she had to decide where her strength would come from. She and her husband chose to trust in God. Each negative pregnancy test, each unexpected loss, and each adoption delay would test her heart’s resolve. However, through every blow, Bethanee discovered that God doesn’t give up. He never goes away. And He never leaves His children unrestored. Now a mother of six, Bethanee has experienced the hardship and joy of becoming a mom through birth and through adoption.


Much of Mustard Seed Faith comes from Bethanee’s blog, which captured the raw emotion of her story as it unfolded. In part one, Bethanee confronts the heartbreak of infertility and the private grief of multiple miscarriages. In part two, she recounts the physical toll and emotional extremes of adopting. For many, Bethanee’s fourteen-year journey is all too familiar, but it is her uncommon faith in God’s good and sovereign plan that inspires readers to keep hoping, keep praying, and keep believing.

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From the Author

This book is a work of God’s grace and sovereignty in my life and in my marriage. Growing our family was, by far, the most difficult challenge I have ever gone through. Throughout the 14 year journey, God spoke to me about this being His story. At the end, with my family standing by my side, I penned His story. Mustard Seed Faith is a tale of unthinkable heartache, trials, challenges, and a “beauty from ashes” tale of our journey to becoming a family of eight.


My prayer is that this book will reach you wherever you are – going through whatever trial you’re currently facing. Mustard Seed Faith can minister to you even if your struggle is not infertility, miscarriages, or failed adoptions. I pray you enjoy this book and I also pray God speaks to you through it. As I wrote Mustard Seed Faith I prayed. I got down on my knees and asked the Lord to use this story, His story, to reach those in need because I believe it is, in part, why we went through it.

You can purchase a copy of Mustard Seed Faith through any of the links on this page. The book is offered on all major online book retailers, as well as, all major ebook retailers. God Bless.

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